Risk is poker related. Even if you face an incredible reward, you should always think that risk is associated with the possibility of getting a reward. But if it’s not worth it, then better stop, double your card. The fact is that you must balance the risk that you will have to reward before you decide anything.
Here are some examples that can explain a lot.
Example 1. What happens if a millionaire gets close to you and offers to give you a million dollars, if you play Russian roulette for him, then he will give you a weapon with six cameras, will you do it or not? Think: there are 5 of 6 chances that you will get a million. But you think that a million is good to risk your life? One of the 6 chances of getting a bullet in the head is enough reason not to accept this crazy offer.
Example 2 – Once you get up and earn five million dollars. On the same day, the millionaire challenges you in a coin-throwing game. If the results of the coin toss are top, he will give you $ 10,000.00, double your money, and if it’s a turn, he will give you $ 5,000,000.
The reward for this test is very high, and you have a 50% chance of winning 10 million dollars. But you also had a 50% chance of losing $ 5 million for the same person.
These examples are not the same as in poker, but you will find yourself in a situation very similar to poker.
Take as an example:
Getting a free ticket to one of the biggest qq poker domino tournaments in the world is a miracle. But you do not have enough chips and a person from an exploding bubble. It’s time to make a decision that will make you stay in the tournament.
You checked your card and you had a pocket of aces. If you decide to withdraw your hand, you will earn $ 50,000; if you play and lose, you get nothing, and if you play and win, you get blinds or two or three blinds.
The fact is that even if you play and win a hand, you still have a small chance to climb the tournament ladder. And also, if you try to play, you risk losing $ 50,000.
In this poker game, weighing your choice is a must. If the reward is large, but the risk to win the reward is higher, then it is better to fold your hand, and not to risk at all.
Remember that when playing poker there is always a hand that will bring you a big win. You just have to wait patiently. Put your money in a bet that has a high probability of your winnings.